Project Information:
Status: Completed 2019
Client: Global Student Accommodation
Size: 247 Units
Services Provided:
Civil & Structural Engineering
Traffic Engineering
Ancillary Certifier
This project involved the demolition of an existing 4-storey vacant warehouse building and the construction of a reinforced concrete 6-storey over lower ground floor/basement level student accommodation development providing 247 no. bed spaces in 50 no. clusters, including 16 no. studios), including setback at fifth-storey.
The development also involved the provision of a café, games room, social/quiet rooms, and landscaped internal amenity spaces, with laundry facilities and plant contained at basement level. The building is a reinforced concrete frame utilising blade columns and flat slab construction. The basement level was formed with the use of a secant pile wall and reinforced concrete retaining wall structure.